General Information
The Faculty of Touristic and Commercial Management
within "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian
University organizes the International Conference
on "Globalization and Competitiveness in
Knowledge-Based Economy" that will be held
in the University campus from Splaiul Independentei
no.176 on the 6th of May 2011.
The Conference aims to provide an exchange of
experience among specialists from various fields
on the four sections of the scientific event.
Each participant can send either an individual
paper or two papers in collaboration at the most.
Papers will be of maximum 6 pages long and will
be written in English according to the guidelines
for authors.
Format for papers can be downloaded: here
Conference participation here
Forms of submitting the papers are: oral presentation
of papers during the conference, within 10 minutes
or presentation in the form of posters.
"Globalization and Competitiveness in
Knowledge-Based Economy" 2 nd Edition - click here