Mission. The activity of the center covers the scope of fundamental and practical research in the economic field (tourism, commerce and service), with the aim to increase the capacity of generating new knowledge in order to ensure the necessary scientific support for progress and to consolidate a competitive position in the field of the economic sciences, to underlie the policies and strategies for abiding improvement within the European integration context.
The main research activity at the C.C.M.A.A.M. is part of the objectives mentioned in the research program of "Dimitrie Cantemir" Christian University and in the research plan/program of The Faculty of Touristic and Commercial Management.
The C.C.M.A.A.M. management. The Scientific Board of C.C.M.A.A.M. includes five members: a director, a vice-director, a scientific secretary, an executive secretary and a general secretary of the Editorial Board.
C.C.M.A.A.M. manages and coordinates the activities of the following groups:
- The research group for management and marketing;
- The research group for commerce, tourism and services;
- The research group organizing the scientific events for the teaching staff, students and Master students;
- The Editorial Board of the MTC Journal (The University Annals: Economy, Commerce and Tourism Series)
Regulation of organization - download here